# Style Guide

The following is a style-guide for the Huff-Std library. Feedback and discussion (opens new window) is welcome.

# Formatting

Lines should be no greater than 100 characters (disregarding long constant names/values).

Files should use 4 spaces for indentions.

# File Structure

The file structure of a Huff contract so follow this:

/* Imports */
#include "./contracts/utils/ExampleImport1.huff"
#include "./contracts/utils/ExampleImport2.huff"

/* Function Interfaces */
#define function exampleFunction1(address,uint256) nonpayable returns ()
#define function exampleFunction2(address,uint256) nonpayable returns ()

#define function exampleFunction3(address,address,uint256) nonpayable returns ()
#define function exampleFunction4(address,uint256) nonpayable returns ()

#define event ExampleEvent1(address indexed example)
#define event ExampleEvent2(address indexed example)

/* Events Signatures */
#define constant EXAMPLE_EVENT_SIGNATURE1 = 0xDDF252AD1BE2C89B69C2B068FC378DAA952BA7F163C4A11628F55A4DF523B3EF
#define constant EXAMPLE_EVENT_SIGNATURE2 = 0x8C5BE1E5EBEC7D5BD14F71427D1E84F3DD0314C0F7B2291E5B200AC8C7C3B925

/* Storage Slots */

/* Constructor */
#define macro CONSTRUCTOR() = takes(0) returns (0) {}

/* Macros */
#define macro MYMAC() = takes (0) returns (0) {}

/* Entry Point */
#define macro MAIN() = takes (0) returns (0) {}

The next aspect of this is more complicated, because it depends on the context and functionality of the contract. Essentially, we want to categorize macros into sections based on their functionality. Here is an example from an existing ERC20 contract:

/* Accounting Macros */
#define macro BALANCE_OF() = takes (0) returns (0) {}
#define macro TOTAL_SUPPLY() = takes (0) returns (0) {}
#define macro ALLOWANCE() = takes (0) returns (0) {}

/* Transfer Macros */
#define macro TRANSFER_TAKE_FROM(error) = takes(3) returns (3) {}
#define macro TRANSFER_GIVE_TO() = takes(3) returns (0) {}
#define macro TRANSFER() = takes(0) returns(1) {}

/* Approval Macros */
#define macro APPROVE() = takes (0) returns (0) {}

/* Mint Macros */
#define macro MINT() = takes(0) returns (0) {}

# Natspec Comments

To make Huff as easy as possible to transition to from Solidity, Natspec comments are encouraged for use in the contract.

At the top of a Huff file, it is recommended to include the following natspec comments:

/// @title The title of the contract
/// @author The contract author
/// @notice A short description of the contract

Macros are also encouraged to include natspec comments where useful. For example, huffmate's Multicallable Huff Contract (opens new window) contains the following macro natspec above the MULTICALL() macro.

/// @notice Multicall function entry point.
/// @dev This macro should be placed alone under a function selector's jump label.
///      Expected calldata: `bytes[]` containing valid ABI-encoded function calls
///      as elements.
///      Note: this macro only allows for multicalling functions that are within
///      the contract it is invoked in.

# Code Comments

Comments should use the double slash (//) syntax, unless they are used to mark a new section of the codebase (see above).

Comments describing the functionality of a statement, macro, etc should be on the line(s) prior.

// owner slot

Comments indicating the stack after an instruction should be on the right of the instruction. Instruction comments within the same code block should be aligned vertically with the right-most instruction comment. The right-most instruction comment should be one “tab” from the right of the instruction.

0x20    // [value]
0x00    // [offset, value]
mstore  // []

# Macro Definition

Macros with a non-zero takes expectation should include a single comment at the start of the code block indicating the expected stack in the following format.

// Reverts if caller is not the owner.
#define macro ONLY_OWNER() = takes (1) returns (0) {
    // takes: [calling_address]
    [OWNER_SLOT]  // [owner_slot, calling_address]
    sload         // [owner_address, calling_address]
    eq            // [is_owner]
    is_owner      // [is_owner_jumpdest, is_owner]
    jumpi         // []
    0x00          // [revert_size]
    0x00          // [revert_offset, revert_size]
    revert        // []
    is_owner:     // []

The exception to this would be the function selector switch in the contract’s entry point, given its common usage.

The contract entry point should contain the function selector switch first, with each jump destination having one additional line of whitespace between one another.

// Entry point.
#define function add(uint256, uint256) view returns (uint256)
#define function sub(uint256, uint256) view returns (uint256)

#define macro MAIN() = takes (0) returns (0) {
    // Grab the function selector from the calldata
    0x00 calldataload 0xE0 shr                 // [selector]

    dup1 __FUNC_SIG(add) eq add_func jumpi     // [selector]
    dup1 __FUNC_SIG(sub) eq sub_func jumpi     // [selector]

    // Revert if no functions match
    0x00 0x00 revert


# Function ABI Definition

This is entirely optional, feedback is appreciated here.

Defining an external function ABI should consist of two components, the function definition and the 4 byte function selector defined as a constant. Defining a constant representing the function selector directly following a function definition makes for clear usage in the contract’s entry point.

The function selector definition should be screaming snake case suffixed with _SEL. This also makes clear the function selector switch’s behavior.

Omitting whitespace between the function definition and selector would also make the relationship between the two more clear.

#define function add(uint256, uint256) view returns (uint256)

#define macro ADD() = takes (0) returns (0) {}

#define macro MAIN() = takes (0) returns (0) {
    // Grab the function selector from the calldata
    0x00 calldataload 0xE0 shr                 // [selector]
    dup1 __FUNC_SIG(add) eq add_func jumpi     // [selector]

    // Revert if no functions match
    0x00 0x00 revert


# Event ABI Definition

This is entirely optional, feedback is appreciated here.

Defining an event ABI should consist of two components, the event definition and the 32 byte event signature defined as a constant.

The event signature should be screaming snake case suffixed with _SIG.

Omitting whitespace between the event definition and signature would also make the relationship between the two more clear.

#define event NewOwner(address)
#define constant NEW_OWNER_SIG = 0x3edd90e7770f06fafde38004653b33870066c33bfc923ff6102acd601f85dfbc

# Jump Labels

Open to suggestions here.

Should instructions following jump labels be indented? Doing so may make execution unclear, as the indention is not taken into consideration at compile time. In the following example, the operation0 jump label’s subsequent code is executed, but execution continues at the operation1 label, despite it not being clear this is the case.


// ....

    0x01     // [b]
    0x02     // [a, b]
    add      // [sum]
    0x02     // [b, sum]
    0x01     // [a, b, sum]
    sub      // [diff, sum]

It may be best to omit indentation, at least in the standard library.


// ....

0x01         // [b]
0x02         // [a, b]
add          // [sum]
0x02         // [b, sum]
0x01         // [a, b, sum]
sub          // [diff, sum]

# Contract Call Return

Open to suggestions here.

There is an issue with using something such as a reentrancy guard, which is a potential return instruction before the lock is restored to the unlocked state. Take the following example.

#define function doAction() view returns (uint256)


#define macro NON_REENTRANT() = takes (0) returns (0) {
    [LOCK_SLOT]  // [lock_slot]
    sload        // [lock]
    iszero       // [is_unlocked]
    unlocked     // [unlocked_jumpdest]
    jumpi        // []
    0x00         // [size]
    0x00         // [offset, size]
    revert       // []
    unlocked:    // []
    0x01         // [lock_value]
    [LOCK_SLOT]  // [lock_slot, lock_value]
    sstore       // []

#define macro UNLOCK() = takes (0) returns (0) {
    0x01         // [lock_value]
    [LOCK_SLOT]  // [lock_slot, lock_value]
    sstore       // []

#define macro DO_ACTION() = takes (0) returns (0) {
    0x45    // [value]
    0x00    // [offset, value]
    mstore  // []
    0x20    // [size]
    0x00    // [offset, size]

#define macro MAIN() = takes (0) returns (0) {
    // Grab the function selector from the calldata
    0x00 calldataload 0xE0 shr                       // [selector]
    dup1 __FUNC_SIG(doAction) eq do_action jumpi     // [selector]

    // Revert if no functions match
    0x00 0x00 revert


In this example, DO_ACTION is non-reentrant, so it first uses NON_REENTRANT, but it uses the return instruction internally, which means the UNLOCK macro will never be executed, resulting in a permanently locked function.

I’m not sure the best way to handle this until a transient-storage opcode is implemented. Maybe a Huff convention could be established to have these external-function macros like DO_ACTION return a size and offset on the stack, then have the return instruction at the end.

The following would be an example of external-function macros returning the stack values instead of using the return instruction, allowing for more safe use of modifiers.

#define function doAction() view returns (uint256)
#define function otherAction() view returns (uint256)


#define macro NON_REENTRANT() = takes (0) returns (0) {
    [LOCK_SLOT]  // [lock_slot]
    sload        // [lock]
    iszero       // [is_unlocked]
    unlocked     // [unlocked_jumpdest]
    jumpi        // []
    0x00         // [size]
    0x00         // [offset, size]
    revert       // []
    unlocked:    // []
    0x01         // [lock_value]
    [LOCK_SLOT]  // [lock_slot, lock_value]
    sstore       // []

#define macro UNLOCK() = takes (0) returns (0) {
    0x00         // [lock_value]
    [LOCK_SLOT]  // [lock_slot, lock_value]
    sstore       // []

#define macro DO_ACTION() = takes (0) returns (2) {
    0x45    // [value]
    0x00    // [offset, value]
    mstore  // []
    0x20    // [size]
    0x00    // [offset, size]

#define macro OTHER_ACTION() = takes (0) returns (2) {
    0x00    // [size]
    0x00    // [offset, size]

#define macro MAIN() = takes (0) returns (0) {
    // Grab the function selector from the calldata
    0x00 calldataload 0xE0 shr                          // [selector]
    dup1 __FUNC_SIG(doAction) eq do_action jumpi        // [selector]
    dup1 __FUNC_SIG(otherAction) eq other_action jumpi  // [selector]

    // Revert if no functions match
    0x00 0x00 revert

        finish jump

        finish jump

        // stack: [offset, size]